Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC) invites online applications from eligible candidates who mustbe Indian Citizens for selection and appointment as Apprentice Development Officer in thejurisdiction of the various Divisional Offices under Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata


  • It  is  primarily  a  sales  supervision  job.  The  selected  candidates  will  be  required  to  sponsor  suitable persons  to  be  appointed  as  Life  Insurance  Agents,  train  them  properly,  and  help  the  recruited  agents to  sell  life  insurance  to  maximum  number  of  persons.  They  will  also  be  required  to  give  prompt  after sales  service  to  policyholders.   For  this  purpose  considerable  movement  including  tours covering  the  entire  area  allotted  to  them  are  involved.

  • The recruitment  as  Apprentice  Development  Officers  is  for  Urban  and  Rural  Areas  and  the  selected candidates  will  have  to  work  in  these  areas.

  • It is,  however,  likely  that  some  of  the  selected  candidates  may  be  posted  in  the  jurisdiction  of  nearby Divisional  Office/s  within  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Zone.

  • It is  clarified  that  appointment  as  Apprentice  Development  Officer  does  not  by  itself  confer  any  right on  the  candidates  to  be  appointed  as  Probationary  Development  Officer.


The  candidates  eligible  for  recruitment  are  classified  into  three  streams,  namely,  Agents  Category, Employees  Category  and  Open  Market  Category. 

Agents  Category’  means

(i)An  individual  appointed  or  engaged  by  the  Corporation  for  the  purpose  of  soliciting  or  procuring insurance  business  including  business  relating  to  the  continuance,  renewal  or  revival  of  policies of  insurance  pertaining  to  the  Corporation;  or 

(ii)An  individual  who  has  been  appointed  as  an  agent  under  the  Life  Insurance  Corporation  of  India (Agents)  Regulations,  2017. 


For  the  removal  of  doubts,  it  is  clarified  that  as  an  individual  appointed  or  engaged  by  LIC  such  as Direct  Sales  Executives/Financial  Services  Executives,  etc.  or  agent  appointed  as  an  agent under  Life  Insurance  Corporation  of  India  (Agents)  Regulations,  2017  shall  be  eligible  for  recruitment as  an  Apprentice  Development  Officer.

Qualifications : 

  1. For  Employees  category  and  Agents  category  in  both  Urban  and  Rural  area-  Applicant  shall possess  the  Bachelor’s  Degree  of  a  University  in  India  established  under  a  statute  or  approved for  the  purpose  or  the  Fellowship  of  Insurance  Institute  of  India,  Mumbai. 

  2. An  applicant  from  Others  category  for  recruitment  as  an  Apprentice  Development  Officer  in  both Urban  and  Rural  area  shall  possess  the  Bachelor’s  Degree  of  a  University  in  India  established under  a  statute  or  approved  for  the  purpose  or  the  Fellowship  of  Insurance  Institute  of  India, Mumbai. 

Preference  may  be  given  to  those  applicants  who  have  good  knowledge  of  insurance  marketing  and also  those  who  possess  Masters  Degree  in  Business  Administration  in  Marketing  or  Post  Graduate Diploma  in  Marketing  from  a  University  in  India  established  under  statute  or  by  an  Institute  approved by  All  India  Council  for  Technical  Education  or  a  recognized  Institution.

Note: All  the  educational  qualifications  mentioned  should  be  from  a  University/Institute/  Board  recognized by  Govt.  of  India  /  approved  by  the  Government  Regulatory  bodies  and  the  result  should  have  been declared  on  or  before  01.05.2019.  Proper  documents  from  Board  /  University  for  having  declared  the result  on  or  before  01.05.2019  have  to  be  submitted  at  the  time  of  interview.  The  date  of  passing  the examination  which  is  reckoned  for  eligibility  will  be  the  date  of  passing  appearing  on  the  mark sheet  /provisional  certificate.


(i) The  applicant  shall  have  completed  21  years  of  age  (in  completed  years)  and  not  more  than 30  years  of  age  (in  completed  years)  as  on  01.05.2019  i.e  candidates  must  have  been born  not  earlier  than  02.05.1989  and  not  later  than  01.05.1998  (both  days  inclusive)  as  on 01.05.2019. 

ii) The  upper  age  limit  (in  completed  years)  as  on  01.05.2019  of  an  applicant  belonging  to  a group  given  below,  shall  not  exceed  the  age  mentioned  below:

  • Member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe: 35 years

  • Member of OBCs (other than those in creamylayer): 33 years

  • LIC Employee who is not a member of a SC or a ST or OBCs: 42 years

  • LIC Employee who is a member of OBCs (other than those in the creamy layer): 4t years

  • LIC  Employee who is a member of a SC or ST: 47 years

  • LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) who is not a member of SC or ST or OBCs: 40 years

  • LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) who is not a member of SC or ST or OBCs: 43 years

  • LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) who is a member of a SC or a ST: 45 years

  • Ex-serviceman: 30, increased by the numberof years of service in thearmed forces subject tomaximum age of 45 yearswhere he is a member ofOBCs  and, 47 years wherehe is a member of SC or STand, Maximum of 42 years inother than SC, ST, OBCcases.

  • All others: 30 years


The applicant should have the requisite experience as on 01.05.2019 as indicated below:

Category ofApplicant For Recruitment in Urban Area For Recruitment in Rural Area
i) Employee Category Not less than 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post
ii)Agents Category Not less than 5 years as an agentor other than agent (such asDSE/FSE) and has brought a netFirst Year Premium Income of notless than 5,00,000/- during the₹immediately preceding 5 financialyears and a net First Year PremiumIncome of not less than ₹1,00,000/- on 50 lives in each of any 3 of these financial years. Not less than 4 years as an agentor other than agent(such asDSE/FSE) and has brought a netFirst Year Premium Income of notless than 1,00,000/- on 50 lives₹per year in any 3 of theimmediately preceding 4 financialyears.
iii) Other Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry.


Net First Year Premium” means the amount of Premium brought in by an agent or other than agent (such as DSE/FSE) either in cash or by cheque, in later case which has not been dishonored subsequently, towards New Business including First Years Renewal Premium during the relevant number of immediately preceding financial years as reduced by the amount of Premium that has lapsed out of such First Year Premium reckoned with reference to the date of the application for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer. 
(i) “Rural Area” means an area with an ascertained population of 30,000 or less and the operational area has an ascertained population of not more than one lakh. 
(ii) “Urban Area” means an area which is not a rural area. Explanation: For removal of doubts, it is clarified that the spouse of an agent shall not be eligible for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer.

Selection  will  be  made  on  the  basis  of  on-line  test  followed  by  an  Interview  of  candidates  who  qualify in  the  on-line  test  and  subsequent  pre-recruitment  Medical  examination.

There  is  a  provision  for  pre-exam  training  for  SC/ST/OBC  candidates.    SC/ST/OBC  candidates  who wish  to  avail  the  benefit  of  pre-exam  training  should  exercise  the  option  while  registering  on-line application. 

Those  SC/ST/OBC  candidates  who  have  opted  for  pre-exam  training  while  registering  on-line application  may  contact  Sr.  Divisional  Manager  of  Life  Insurance  Corporation  of  India  of  that Divisional  Office  to  which  the  candidate  has  applied  within  one  week  of  last  date  of  submission  of online  application.  The  Divisional  Office  will  inform  the  registered  candidates,  the  date  and  venue  of the  training.  Such  candidates  would  have  to  attend  the  training  at  their  own  cost  on  the  appointed dates  and  at  the  venue  advised  to  them.  Candidates  are  required  to  refer  to  the  website  under  the tab  “Careers”  for  address  of  the  Divisional  Offices  of  LIC.

Application process includes three phase 
  • Application  registration 
  • Payment  of  fees 
  • Document  scan  and  upload 
Candidates  can  apply  online  only  from  20.05.2019  to  09.06.2019  and  no  other  mode  of application  will  be  accepted. 

Before  applying  online,  candidates  should
(i) scan  their  :-  photograph  (4.5cm  ×  3.5cm)-  signature  (with  black  ink)-  left  thumb  impression  (on  white  paper  with  black  or  blue  ink)-  a  hand  written  declaration  (on  a  white  paper  with  black  ink)  (text  given    below)  ensuring  that all  these  scanned  documents  adhere  to  the  required  specifications  as  given  under  point  ‘C’. 
(ii) Signature  in  CAPITAL  LETTERS  will  NOT  be  accepted. 
(iii) The   left  thumb  impression  should  be  properly  scanned  and  not  smudged.  (If  a candidate  is  not  having  left  thumb,  he/she  may  use  his/  her  right  thumb  for  applying.) 
(iv)The  text  for  the  hand  written  declaration  is  as  follows  “I,  _______  (Name  of  the  candidate),  hereby  declare  that  all  the  information  submitted by  me in  the  application  form  is  correct,  true  and  valid.  I  will  present  the  supporting documents  as  and  when  required.”
(v) The  above  mentioned  hand  written  declaration  has  to  be  in  the  candidate’s  hand  writing  and in  English  only.  If  it  is  written  and  uploaded  by  anybody  else  or  in  any  other  language,  the application  will  be  considered  as  invalid. 
(vi)Keep  the  necessary  details/documents  ready  to  make  Online  Payment  of  the  requisite application  fee/  intimation  charges. 
(vii) Have  a  valid  personal  email  ID  and  mobile  no.,  which  should  be  kept  active  till  the completion  of  this  Recruitment  Process.  LIC  may  send  intimation  to  download  call  letters  for the  Examination  etc.  through  the  registered  e-mail  ID.  In  case  a  candidate  does  not  have  a valid  personal  e-mail  ID,  he/she  should  create  his/her  new  e-mail  ID  and  mobile  number before  applying  on-line  and  must  maintain  that  email  account  and  mobile  number.

Important Dates
  • Opening  date  of  On-Line  Registration  of  Application and  On-line  payment  of  Application  Fees/Intimation Charges: 20th  May,2019
  • Last  date  of  On-Line  Registration  of  Application  and On-line   payment   of   Application   Fees/Intimation Charges: 9th  June,2019
  • Download  of  Call  letter  for  On-Line  Examination: 29th  June,  2019  onwards
  • Dates  of  Online  Examination-Preliminary  (tentative): 6th  &  13th  July,2019
  • Dates  of  Online  Examination-Main  (tentative): 10th  August,2019

Important links


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