A Walk-in lnterview will be held on 20/06/2019 at 10.304.M. onwards in the Bhojraj Seth Conference Hall of the Vice-Chancellor's Office, D.U. for the one (01)Assistant Professor on contract basis in the Depaftment of Pharmaceutical Sciences,D.U.
Post: Assistant P rofessor
No. Of Post: 01
Specialization : P harmacognosy.
Essential Qualification:
M.Pharm. with first class in Pharmacognosy. The candidateshould have basic degree of B.Pharm. in Graduation level.
Experience of teaching /Research work is desirable.
Salary : Rs. 25,000/- per month (consolidated) [for those having GPAT or Ph.D. ] and Rs. 20,OOO|(consolidated) per month [for those who have not GPAT or Ph.D.]
Important points
- lntending candidates having requisite qualification may appear in the interview with copies of bio-data, attested copies of testimonials and experience certificate (ifany), along with the original certificates of quallfications for verification.
- Theyshall have to registertheir names as candidates by paying Rs. 2001(Rupeestwo hundred) only at the time of the interview.
Note: No TA and DA will be admissible for the purpose.
Important links: