Application are invited from India Citizen in the prescribed standard form as published in Assam Gazette part- IX from the intending candidates for filling up of sanction vacant posts as mentioned below under the office of the Fishery Information Officer, Assam, Guwahati-16 (Meen Bhawan) Gopinath Nagar.
Post: Junior Assistant
No. Of Posts: 2 ( UR- 01, OBC/MOBC- 01)
- Educational and Other Qualification: The candidate must be Graduate in any discipline from a recognised University. Proficiency in Computer Typing both English and Assamese.
- Candidates must be an Indian citizen, ordinarily resident of Assam.
- The Candidates must have registered their names in the employment exchange and the registration numbers along with the dates must be mentioned in their applications. Candidates should be well versed in State Official Language.
Scale of pay: ₹14,000/- to ₹49,000/- + GP- 6200/- per month plus other allowances as admissible as per rules.
- A candidate must not be less than 18 years or not more than 38 years of age as on 01.07.2019. The upper age is relaxable by 5 (five) years in case oi the candidates of SC/ ST as per Govt. rule in torce and by 3 (three) years in case of the candidates of OBC/ MOBC as per Govt.OM.ABP.6/2016/9-A dtd 25th April. 2018.
- In case of Persons with Disabilities the upper age limit is applicable as per Govt. OM No. ABP.144/95/121 A Dated: 28.10.2015.
Application fee: Nil (As per Notification No.FEG.32/2016/12, dtd. 21.05.2018.
The application must be accompanied by the following
- Self attested copies of all certificates/ Mark Sheets of educational and other qualifications, age. caste along with other testimonials including valid Employment Registration card.
- Affix one copy of recent self attested passport size photograph in the application form and two copies of recent passport size photographs duly self attested along with application.
- The application will enclose a self addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs.10/along with the application.
How to Apply
- Application should be submitted to the Office of the Fishery Information Officer, Assam, Guwahati, Meen Bhawan. P.O.Gopinath Nagar, Pin781016.
- Candidates already in service should apply through proper channel.
- The incomplete applications and the applications submitted after the scheduled date will not be accepted.
Important Dates
The last date of receipt of application is 19.08.2019. No application will be entertained after the last date fixed.