Application are invited from Indian Citizen in the prescribed standard form aspublished in Assam Gazetted part-IX from the intending eligible candidates for filling up the vacant post of 5 (five) nos. Jr. Asstt. in the Scale of Pay P.B.-2 (14,000/- to 60,500/-) + Grade Pay Rs. 6,200/- pm plus other allowances as admissible as per rules in the office of the Dist. Fishery Dev. Officer, Kamrup, Guwahati and the Sub-Divisional Fishery Dev. Officer, Rangia under the jurisdiction of the undersigned. The candidates must be Graduate in any discipline from arecognized university and proficiency in computer typing both English and Assamese.
- 3 (three) nos. post at office of the Dist. Fishery Dev. Officer Kamrup
- 2 (two) nos. post at office of theSub-Divisional Fishery Dev. Officer, Rangia
Terms and condition
- Candidates/applicants must be citizen of India as defined in articles 5 to 8 of the constitution of India.
- Employment Registration No. is mandatory and candidate/ applicants must mention the Registration No. along with date in their application.
- Candidates serving in Govt. should submit their application through proper channel.
- Candidates should be well versed in state official language.
- Candidate must not be less than 18 years or more than 38 years of age on01.07.2019. The upper age relaxation for deserving candidate is as per Govt. rule in force candidate of SC/ST 5 (five) years relaxable and OBC/ MOBC3 (three) years relaxable as per Govt. OM. ABP.6/2016/9-A Dtd. Dispur 25th April/2018.
- In case of PWD the upper age limit is applicable as per Govt. OM. No. ABP.144/95/121-A Dtd. 28/10/2015.20. The application must be accompanied with the following documents, (iii) Attested copies of all certificate in support of educational qualification alongwith age proof, caste certificate including valid employment Registrationcard, computer proficiency Certificate both English and Assamese, PWD Certificate etc. (iv) Affix 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs in the applicationform. The application will enclose a self addressed envelope size (22 cm x 10 cm), affixing postal stamp of Rs. 10/- along with the application.
- Candidate /applicants will have to superscribe the name of the post applied atthe Top of the scaled envelope carrying the application form and address to theDist. Fishery Development Officer, Kamrup Guwahati-16 Gopinath Nagar Surabala Devi Path.
- The selected candidate qualified for appointment will be government by existing new set of pension rules which are already formulated with contributory pensionscheme by the Govt. of India vide Finance Departments circular No BW 3/pt-III/1 Dtd.25.01.200523.No. TA/DA will be borne by the department for attending interview.
- Department will not be responsible for any loss of application on transit or forpostal delay.
- The last date of receipt of application is 31st Aug/2019, No application will beentertained after last date fixed.
- Application fee: NIL (as per Notification No. FEG.32/2016/12 Dtd. 21.05.2018
Mode of selection
Phase – I : The candidate whose application are accepted will be required toappear in a multiple choice written test on a date to be notified later on and details ofsyllabus will be intimated to candidate through calling letter. Phase – II : Against vacancy candidate will be short listed as per rule on the basis ofthe marks obtained in the written test (Multiple choice) . After the written test, the shortlisted candidate will have to appear in a computer practical test which will be notified in due course of time. They will have to bring all the original testimonials i.e. Ageproof certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificate. Computer Proficiency Certificate, PWD etc.