The Amazon Flex programme was originally launched in the US in 2015. Amazon India announced the launch of Amazon Flex, a program that allows individuals to sign up for part-time delivery of Amazon packages and receive some money in the process. Amazon claims it will provide flexibility for those who sign up for Flex to deliver packages on their own timetable and a chance to earn up to Rs. 140 per hour in the process.
Amazon Flex provides a flexible opportunity for Delivery Partners looking to turn free time into supplemental or part-time income. The available delivery blocks may fluctuate week to week and are not guaranteed.
What kinds of deliveries will You have to make?
Amazon Flex offers these delivery opportunities: Pick up packages from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 3-6 hours.
Prime Now and Amazon Fresh: Pick up groceries or household items from an Amazon delivery station and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 2-4 hours.
Store Orders: Pick up orders from local stores and deliver directly to customers. Delivery blocks are typically 2-4 hours.
Instant Offers: Available in some areas. Instant Offers are deliveries that start near your current location. Deliveries usually last 15-45 minutes.
How to sign up for Amazon Flex
Go to Get Started, select the region where you'd like to deliver, and answer a few questions. If you don't see your region, select My region is not here to join our waitlist. If you meet our requirements, you’ll be able to download the Amazon Flex app and complete these tasks: --
- Sign up for Amazon Flex using your existing Amazon account or by creating a new Amazon account.
- Provide answers to questions that we’ll use for a background check.
- Select a service area where you will pick up and deliver Amazon packages. --Review our videos to learn best practices for delivering with Amazon.
- Provide tax and payment details.
Cities where Flex delivers.
click here
Smartphone requirements
You'll need an Android or iPhone to use the Amazon Flex app. Below are specific requirements.
- Android 6.0 or newer •
- 2 GB or higher RAM memory •
- Camera with flash
- GPS Location Services •
- SIM card
- iPhone 5s or newer
- iOS 11 or higher
Download Amazon Flex App