Applications are invited for filing up the following posts on deputation basis in the Brahmaputra Board, Guwahati-29 a Statutory Body established under Brahmaputra Board Act (46 of 1980) from candidates fulfilling the eligibility cntena as indicated against the posts.
Name of the post: Deputy Chief Engineer(Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 3 (three) posts,
Place of posting: either Guwahati, Agartala, Siliguri
Scale of pay : Level-13 (Rs. 1,18500-2,14,100).
Eligibility criteria
Officers of the Central Govemment or State Goverment or Union Territory Administrations or State Electneity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bodies or Universities or recognised Research institutions.
(a) (i)Holding analogous post in Parent cadre or department on regular basis, or (ii)with five years regular service in the post Supenntending Engineer in level 12 (Rs 78,800 - 2,09,200/-) in pay matnx rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in parent cadre or department, and
(b) Desirablefive years expenence in Water Resources Project
Name of the post: Superintending Engineer(Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 8 (eight) posts,
Place of posting: either Guwahati, Nalbari, Jorhat, Gangtok, Imphal, Aizwal and Dimapur
Scale of pay: Level-12 (Rs. 78,800-2,09,200),
Eligibility criteria:
Officers of the Central Government or State Govemment or Union Temtory Administratons or State Elecinc ty Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organisation or Autonomous bodies or Universities or recognised Research Insttutons
(a) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis or (ii) with five years regular service in the post of Executive Engineer in level-11 (Rs 67,700 2,08,700/-) in pay matrix in the parent cadre or department, and (b) Desirable five years expenence in Water Resources Project.
Name of the post: Deputy Secretary (Ministerial cadre).
No of posts: 1 One post
Place of posting: Guwahati
Scale of pay: Level-12 (Rs 78,800 2,09,200)
Eligibility criteria:
Officers of the Central Goverment or State Goverment or Union Temitory Administration or State Electncity Boards or Public Sector Undertak ngs or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bodies or Universities or recognised Research Insttutons
(a) (i) hoding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis or (ii) holdng the post of Under Secretary in level-11 (Rs 67, 700 - 2,08,700/-) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department including Indian Administrative Service or Central Secretanat Service with fve years regular service in the grade, and (b) three years expenence in handling administration matter involving Central Government rules regulabons and their applicability
Name of the post: Executive Engineer(Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 11 (eleven) posts
Scale of pay: Level-11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700).
Eligibility criteria:
Officers of the Central Government or State Goverment or Union Temitory Administraton or State Electncity Boards or Public Sector Undertak ngs or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bodies or Un versities or recognised Research Institutions (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis or (i) with five years regular service in the post of Assistant Executive Engineer Cw in leve 10 Rs 56 100 - 177 500/ in pay matnx in parent cadre or department. (b) Desirable five years expenence in Water Resources Project
Name of the post: Executive Engineer (Mechanical) (Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 1 (one) post,
Scale of pay: Level-11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700).
Eligibility criteria:
Officers of the Central Government or State Goverment er Union Temtory Administrat on or State Electnesty Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bod es or Universities or recognised Research Institutions (a) (i) hokding analogous post m parent cadre or department on regular basis or (ii) with five years regular service in the post of Assistant Executive Engneer Mechanical in level-10 Rs 56 100 - 1,77,500/-) im pay matnx in parent cadre or department (b) Desirable five years expenence in Water Resources Project
Name of the post: Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 9 (nine) posts
Scale of pay: Level-10 (Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/-).
Eligibility criteria:
Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Temtory Administrat on or State Electncity Boards or Pubic Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bodies or Universities or recognised Research Institutons (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis or (ii) with three years regular service in the post of Assistant Engineer (civil) in leve 7 Rs 44900 142 400/ ) in pay matnx in parent cadre or department, and (b) Desirabletwo years expenence in Water Resources Project
Name of the post: Assistant Executive Engineer (Mechanical) (Non-Ministerial Cadre),
No. of posts: 1 (one) posts
Scale of pay: Level-10 (Rs. 56,100-1,77,500).
Eligibility criteria:
Offcers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Temtory Administration or State Electncity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organisations or Autonomous bodtes or Un versities or recognised Research Institutions (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis or (ii) with three years regular service in the post of Assistant Engineer Mechanical in level-7 (Rs 44,900 - 1, 42,400/-) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department, and (b) Desirable two years experience in Water Resources Project
Name of the post: Assistant Ministerial Cadre)
No. Of Posts: 5 (five) posts on deputation basis.
Scale of pay: Level-6 (Rs. 35,400 1,12,400/-)
Eligibility criteria:
Officers under the Central Government or State Govemments or Union Temtory Administrations or State Electncity Board or Autonomous Body or Statutory Body or Public Sector Undertakings: (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in parent cadre or department, or (ii) with ten years regular service in the grade of Upper dision Clerk Level-4 (Rs 25,500 - 81,100/-) in Pay Matrix, and possessing 3 years expenence of working in the vanous establishment jobs and knowledge of Central Government rules and regulatons.
How to Apply:
Interested and eligible officer officials may send their applications through proper channel with 4 (four) copies of biodata as per prescribed Proforma (enclosed). Applicabons completed in all respect are to be forwarded through proper channel so as to reach the Secretary Brahmaputra Board Basistha, Guwahat-29 within one month from the date of issue Applications received earlier in Brahmaputra Board for these posts will continue to remain valid Such candidates need not apply again.
While forwarding the applications the lending/Administrative Authontes may forward CR dossiers for last 5 years of the officers concemed and certify that the information furnished by the applicants are correct and no vigilance/disciplinary case is pending of contemplated against the officers in the prescribed format (enclosed Annexure-l) The upper age limit for candidates ts 56 years on closing date of receipt of application
If the officer nominated for the post is selected the lending department will have to release the officer within ‘one month from the date of issue of the appointment order
Important Dates
- Date of advertisement: 30 June 2021
- Last date of receiving application: 30 July 2021
Important Links