A walk in interview for 01 (one) No. of Post of Front Office Coordinator in the establishment of District Legal Services Authority, Kamrup, Amingaon will be held on 05/09/2021 in the office premise of the undersigned at Amingaon, Kamrup.
Post: Front Office Coordinator (Contractual- for a period of 01 (one) year)
Note: The contract period may be extended depending upon requirement and subject to the approval of the Assam State Legal Services Authority, Guwahati.
No. Of post: 01 (one)
Educational Qualification: B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. or equivalent examinations atong with six months diploma/ certificate in computers with proficiency in M.S. Office, Internet & E mail.
Consolidated pay: Rs.20,000/- PM (Rupees Twenty Thousand only per month. )
How to apply:
- Candidates have to submit applications in standard form enclosing photocopies of all relevant documents before the verification desk on the date of Walk in Interview. Mentioning of Phone no. & E-mail on the application is mandatory.
- Candidates have to carry along all the relevant documents in original.
- Candidates have to report the benue i.e. Premise of District Court, Kamrup, Amingaon between 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM on the day of Interview and those failing to report within the stipulated time shall not be elig ble to appear for the Walk In Interview.
Note: No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in the Intervew.
Important dates
- Interview date: 05/09/2021