Applications along with bio-data and two numbers of passportphotographs are invited from the local residents of the Biswanath Distric! for selection of 30 (thirty) numbers of Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) at Biswanath district, under District Legal services Authority, Biswanath.
Post: Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs)
No. Of Posts: 30 (thirty)
Salary: The work of PLVs doesn't carry any salary, remuneration or wage except honorarium fixed by the Disaict Legal Services Authority, Biswanath from time to time, as per rules.
Eligibilig Criteria:
- He/ She must be a citizen of India and a local resident of the Biswanath District.
- He/ she should have mind-set to assist the needy in society, and have the compassion, empathy and concern for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society.
Selection procedure:
- The decisions of the Selection Committee in short listing the number of candidate for interview and selection of PLV shall be final. The eligible candidates shall have to appear for Interview. before the Selection committee, the date of which will be notified in the official website.
- Selected PLV shall be required to undergo training programme as perdecision of the District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath.
- In case of any objection regarding selection of PLVs, the decision of the Chairman, District legal Services Authority, Biswanath shall be final and bincling on all concerned.
- List of the applicants shortlisted for interview will be notified in the office notice board as well as uploaded in the official website of District Jucliciary, i.e.,
How to apply:
- The application should be addressed to the Chairmary District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath.
- Filled up application with bio-data and photographs should reach the givenadclress on or before 18-09-2021 (Saturday).
- Applicants should submit their mobile/contact number; email id for further communication.
- No applications will be entertained after the last date fixed.
- Applicants should mention their respective Gaon Panchavat to which they belong, along with their complete address in the bio data.
District legal Services Authority, Biswanath,
SDJM(M) Court Campus, Biswanath
Biswanath Chariali, Dist. Biswanath
PIN- 78417613.
- Candidates who have already applied to the advertisement dtd. 05/10/2020of this establishment for selection of Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs), need notapply again.
Important dates
- Last date to apply: 18-09-2021
Important links