The Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) refers to the uniform nomenclature of seven security forces in India under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs. They are the 

  • Assam Rifles (AR), 

  • Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), 

  • Border Security Force (BSF), 

  • Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), 

  • National Security Guard (NSG), 

  • Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and 

  • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB



No  person  who  is  not  a  citizen  of  India  shall,  except  with  the  consent  of  the  Central Government signified  in  writing  be  appointed  or  employed  under  these  Rules. Provided  that  nothing  contained  in  these  rules  shall  debar  the  appointment,  enrolment  or employment of a subject of  Nepal or Bhutan  under these  Rules.


Both  Male  and  Female  candidates  are  eligible  for  appointment  to  the  post  of  Assistant Commandants.

(III) Age Limits: 

(a) A  candidate  must  have  attained  the  age  of  20  years  and  must  not  have  attained  the  age  of  25  years on  1st  August,  2019,  i.e.  he/she  must  have  been  born  not  earlier  than  2nd  August,  1994  and  not  later than 1st August, 1999. 

(b)The  upper age limit prescribed above  will  be relaxable. 

  •  Upto  a  maximum  of  five years if  a  candidate  belongs to  a  Scheduled  Caste or a  Scheduled Tribe. 

  •  Upto  a  maximum  of  three  years  in  the  case  of  candidates  belonging  to  Other  Backward  Classes who are  eligible  to  avail of  reservation  applicable to such  candidates.

  • Upto  a  maximum of  five  years  for  Civilian  Central  Government  Servants  in  accordance  with the  existing  instructions  of  the  Central  Government.  Ex-Servicemen  will  also  be  eligible  for this  relaxation.  HoweverthetotalrelaxationclaimedonaccountofGovernmentService willbelimitedtofiveyears. 

  • Upto  a  maximum  of  five  years  if  a  candidate  had  ordinarily  been  domiciled  in  the  State  of Jammu & Kashmir  during  the  period from  1st  January,  1980  to  the  31st  day  of  December, 1989. 

IV)Minimum Educational Qualifications:

A  candidate  must  hold  a  Bachelor’s  degree  of  a University  incorporated  by  an  Act  of  the  Central  or  State  Legislature  in  India  or  other  educational institutions  established  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  or  declared  to  be  deemed  as  a  University  under Section-3  of the University Grants  Commission Act, 1956 or  possess  an  equivalent  qualification.   

V. Restrictiononre-appearance of candidates finally selected/ recommended earlier: 

A candidate who has been finally selected  on  the  basis  of  an  earlier  examination  to  the  post  of Assistant  Commandants in  any  of the  forces  participating  in  the  Central  Armed  Police  Forces (Assistant  Commandants)  Examination  will  not  be  eligible  to  appear  at  a  subsequent  examination  for recruitment  of  Assistant  Commandants  in  the participating  CAPFs.

VI. Physical Standards:

Candidates  must  meet  the  prescribed  Physical  and  Medical  Standards  for admission  to  Central  Armed  Police  Forces  (Assistant  Commandants),  Examination,  2019  specified  in Appendix‐V(download notification from below provided link) of  the  Notice.   


Candidates are required to apply onlineonly by using the website https://www.upsconline.nic.in

1. The filling of online application contains two parts. 

  • In Part I registration, candidate will have to fill basic information. On submission of details, candidate will be prompted to check the details and make correction, if any, in the application.

  • Part-IIRegistration consists of following Stages- filling up Payment details (except for fee exempted candidates), selection of examination centre, uploading of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document and Declaration.

2. Candidate must press “I agree” button after he /she finds that information supplied by him /her is in order and no correction is required. Thereafter no correction/modification shall be allowed.

3. When “I agree” button is pressed, a page with Registration Number will be generated. Please note down Registration Number or take a print out of the page. The application is incomplete without payment, selection of centre, uploading of scanned photograph, signature, Photo Identity Card Document and agree to declaration.

  • To pay fee in cash, candidate should take printout of challan generated online after completion of registration. Candidate may go to nearest SBI branch for depositing fee after 24 hours of generation of challan. "Pay by cash" mode option will be deactivated at 23.59 hours of 19-05-2019 i.e. one day before the closing date. However, applicants who have generated their Pay-in-slip before it is de-activated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date of application.

  • Those who want to pay online through SBI portal can do so directly during submission of online form.

4. On successful completion of your complete application, an auto-generated email message will be sent on your registered email-id. In case email is not received by you please check / ensure that submission of Part-II of the Application has been made by you.

FEE and Payment Mood

Candidates  (excepting  Female/SC/ST  Candidates  who  are  exempted  from  payment  of  fee) are  required  to  pay  fee  of  Rs.200/-  (Rupees  Two  Hundred  only)  either  by  remitting  the money in any Branch  of  State  Bank  of  India  or  by  using  Visa/Master/RuPay  Credit/Debit Card  or by using  Internet  Banking  of  SBI.   

Applicants  who  opt  for  "Pay  by  Cash"  mode  should print  the  system  generated  Pay-in-slip  during  part  II  registration  and  deposit  the  fee  at  the counter  of  SBI  Branch  on  the  next  working  day  only.  "Pay  by  Cash”  mode  will  be  deactivated at  23.59  hours  of  19.05.2019  i.e.  one  day  before  the  closing  date;  however  applicants  who have generated  their  Pay-in- Slip  before  it  is  deactivated  may  pay  at  the  counter  of  SBI Branch  during  banking  hours  on  the  closing  date.  

Such  applicants  who  are  unable  to  pay  by cash  on  the closing  date i.e during  banking hours  at SBI  Branch,  for  reasons  whatsoever,  even if  holding  valid  pay-in-slip  will  have  no  other  offline  option  but  to  opt  for  available  online Debit/Credit  Card  or  Internet  Banking  payment  mode  on  the  closing  date  i.e.  till  18:00  Hours of  20.05.2019. 

Important Dates

  • Last date of Online Registration: 20th May, 2019 till 18.00 Hours

  • Exam date: 18/08/2019

Important Links


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