As per official notification, After publishing the results of 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) with the list of provisionally shortlisted candidates for appearing in Computer Based Aptitude Test, RRBs have received certain representations from the candidates pertaining to answer keys, evaluation of actual score, Normalisation, etc. RRBs are scrutinising these representations have noted that prima facie there appears to be an error in answer key of few questions and actual score of few candidates. So, RRBs have decided to once again check the correctness of final keys and evaluation to ensure fairness to all candidates and the recruitment process.
Revised Score
Accordingly, candidates can now view their individual revised scores and their revised shortlisting status for Computer Based Aptitude Test by logging in through the link provided on the official website of RRBs duly entering their Registration Number and Date of Birth.
Revised list of Candidates Shortlisted for Computer Based Aptitude Test
Total number of candidates shortlisted for appearing in Computer Based Aptitude test is eight times the Community wise Revised Vacancy of ALP notified on the official websites of RRBs on 20-09-2018. Shortlisting has been done from among the candidates who have opted for the post of ALP and secured minimum qualifying normalized marks of 35 in Part B and as per their merit in Part A subject to securing minimum qualifying marks for the respective community.
Official website