Applications are invited from the intending candidate who are citizen of India as defined in the Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India in the prescribed Standard form of application publishedin Part IX of Assam Gazette for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Scientific Assistants as given below in the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati – 781019.
Post: Scientific Assistant
No. Of Posts according to Education Qualifcations
- Chemistry- 01( unreserved)
- Chemistry- 01 ( OBC/MOBC)
- B.Sc in Physics/Electronics/Instrumentation- 01 ( unreserved)
- B.Sc in Physics/Electronics/Instrumentation- 01 ( OBC/MOBC)
- B.Sc. in Botany/Zoology/Anthropology(Physical)/Biotechnology- 01 ( OBC/MOBC)
Pay Scale: PB-2. (Rs. 14,000 - 49,000/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 7,400/- P.M
Age: Candidate must not be less than 18 years OR more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2019.
Selection procedure:
- Candidates will have to appear in a written test comprising of General knowledge and theirrespective subject.
- Selected candidate from the written test will have to appear in a skill test.
How to apply:
1.Application should be sent by post or deliver by hand to the Director, Directorate of ForensicScience, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati – 781019. Post applied for should be super-scribed onthe sealed envelope.
2. No application fee is required.
3. Applicant should submit self attested copies of the following documents/testimonials along withthe application.
- HSLC Admit Card for Age proof, Pass certificate and Mark sheet.
- Degree pass certificate and Mark sheet.
- Caste Certificate issued in favour of candidates belonging to reserved categories must be inproper format and is to be countersigned by DC/SDO (Civil) of the concerned District/SubDivision of which the candidate is a resident should be furnished.
- 2 (two) copies of recent Passport sized photograph signed by the candidate.
- One self addressed envelope (27cm X 13cm) with postal stamp of Rs. 5.00.00 (Rupees five) only.
Last date of receiving application:
Duly filled application along with all relevant documents /testimonials should reach Directorateof Forensic Science, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati – 781019 on or before 05.07.2019.
- Those who had already applied for the same cadre of posts (Scientific Assistant) whichwas published in the Assam Tribune dated 26.11.2016 vide Janasanyog 6892/16 need not apply again.6.Reservation for women is applicable as per law.
- Applicants who are already employed’ should submit their application through their respectiveauthorities within the stipulated date.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the test. Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualifya candidate.
- There will be no Viva-Voce (Interview).