A walk in interview will be held in the office Chamber of HOD, Medicine Department (Hospital Building, Medicine OPD area ,First Floor), NEIGRIHMS, Shillong for contractual posts (Junior Medical Officer one; FieId-Worker-one) purely on temporary basis as per the details given below under the ICMR project "Evaluation of prevalence, regional phenotypic variation, co-morbidities, risk factors and the variations In response to different therapeutic modalities among Indian women with polycysnc ovary syndrome (PCOS): A multicentrlc study across India "in Meghalaya on the 10th June , 2019. Registration from 9-11 am and interview from 11:00 am onwards.
Post: Junior Medical Officer
No. Of Posts: 01
Qualincatlon and Experience:
MBBS Degree from a recognized University
Job requirement: To assist me works assigned by the investigators in conducting the research.
Emoluments: Rs 60,000/ per month in the 1st and 2nd year
Age Limit : 30/35 years.
The duration of the project
up to 11-11-2020; this may be extended as per needs,
Important links